The market-driven nature of the financial sector often global, always transforming puts a premium on rapid response. Successful work settings allow the balance between outlay and return to be periodically weighed and re-calibrated. While mobility and technology are leveraged to the hilt, attracting top talent is also crucial enabling performance by tuning the choice of work settings to individual work styles.
The Sudanese French Bank is established after the nationalization of a foreign bank in Sudan. Some of the branches include AL Riyadh ِAlmashtal street, Khartoum, Alkadaro, Khartoum, Sudan, Alhasehesa, Alriyadh […]
Established in 1977, whereby Sudanese and other nationals of Islamic States met to set up the bank, was Faisal Islamic Bank. Known for its one to one services and e-banking […]
The Sudanese French Bank is established after the nationalization of a foreign bank in Sudan. Some of the branches include AL Riyadh ِAlmashtal street, Khartoum, Alkadaro, Khartoum, Sudan, Alhasehesa, Alriyadh […]
Established in 1977, whereby Sudanese and other nationals of Islamic States met to set up the bank, was Faisal Islamic Bank. Known for its one to one services and e-banking […]
Omdurman National Bank is amongst ten branches expansions during the last years. The bank operates through its headquarters and fifteen branches, eight of which are located in Khartoum states. The […]
The Sudanese French Bank is established after the nationalization of a foreign bank in Sudan. Some of the branches include AL Riyadh ِAlmashtal street, Khartoum, Alkadaro, Khartoum, Sudan, Alhasehesa, Alriyadh […]