MMC Services

November 7, 2022

Knowledge meeting at MMC

Two of our former outstanding engineers sharing their overseas experience, and how their work in mmc had helped during their period there.
An interactive meeting between all the staff and two former engineers, one traveled for master degree in Scotland and the other got a job offer at Qatar. Explaining how valuable their work experience at mmc was for them, discussing whether people should get their masters right after collage or take a few years off and have some practical experience.
MMC is always keen to develop a healthy and supportive environment that gives and adds to every participant as well as providing space to share experiences and lessons learned.

About MMC

Murtada Maaz Consultancy Is a well-established practice founded back in 1995 to provide excellence through innovation, by Murtada Maaz – Architect and general manager, and is located in Khartoum Sudan.

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